Monthly Cooking Class NERA hosts a cooking class in partnership with the Kay County TSET Healthy Living Program! Class will be on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, an hour before grocery services. We will supply ingredients to the first 12 people to attend each class. Those who sign up in advance may be eligible for free cookware. For more schedule details and/or to sign up for free, click the link below.
The Kay County OSU Extension Office is providing a free 8 week nutrition workshop from January 10th through February 28th. Participants will be given a chance to win a new chest freezer, and odds are doubled if they attend every class.
Gardening Class
The Kay County OSU Extension Office is providing a free gardening class on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 1:00 PM. Learn how to grow food in your home, on your porch, or in your back yard. Class is located at NERA, 112 S. 1st Street in Ponca City.
The best way to keep up with upcoming events is by signing up for our Newsletter by clicking the link below.
NERA hosts a quarterly resource fair. Neighboring organizations are available in our lobby to help with job searches, housing, domestic violence, and more. Every resource fair occurs on a Tuesday an hour before grocery services. Upcoming: March 4 at 1:00 June 3 at 1:00